Friday, 29 January 2021

Lord Palmerston's Borough

George Julian Harney
George Julian Harney

In edition 416 from 1895 of the American publication The Open Court, George Julian Harney gives his detailed personal recollection of the Tiverton election of 1847. You can read the article in this PDF file on pages 3 to 6. It describes who the Chartists were and what they stood for. In 1863 Harney emigrated to the United States which explains why he wrote for this publication.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Nummits and Crummits: Devonshire Customs, Characteristics, and Folk-lore

Author: Sarah Hewett
Published: 1900
Provider: Internet Archive

Nummits and Crummits : Devonshire Customs, Characteristics, and Folk-lore

The Singular Case of the Tiverton Barber

Dr Alun Withey has summarised an unusual Tiverton legal case from 1887 on his blog. The case is between a Tiverton barber called Thomas Mitchell and his customer, Mr Stuckey. You can read the full article on Dr Withey's blog. The 1895 Tiverton directory lists Mr Mitchell's premises as being at Backway and Chapel Street.
In 1887 an unusual case came before the county court at Tiverton in Devon. The case of Stuckey versus Mitchell centred upon whether a barber had used a different brand of shaving soap to his usual one on a regular customer, in the process causing him a serious skin damage and illness. “The question before His Honour was whether Thomas Mitchell (the barber and hairdresser) was liable in damages” from any potential negligence or want of skill. More particularly, if he had not taken particular care to ensure that the materials he used were fit for purpose, could he be held responsible?

The Life and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew

Author: Multiple Contributors
Published: 1835
Provider: Google Books

The Life and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew